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36th Annual Matanos LaEvyonim Purim Campaign in conjunction with The Emergency Aid Fund of Yeshiva Torah VoDa’ath:






Rabbi Jay Yaacov Schwartz, Chairman | Rabbi Aron Pam, Director


Due to the Gaza War, and difficult economic conditions in Israel and the US, we are inundated with requests for this year’s BO B’YOM Purim Distribution!  Please Help Us Help Others!


The outbreak of the Gaza War displaced – and caused terrible hardship – to many poor Israeli families (especially in the North).  According to Rabbi Schwartz, “Over the years, we have been fortunate to distribute hundreds of thousands of dollars to help hundreds of destitute families.  In today’s difficult economic climate, these funds are critically needed and serve as a lifeline to these struggling families.”


These funds will be actively distributed Bo B’Yom, throughout Purim Day, under the direction of Rabbi Aron Pam, the son of the beloved and revered Rav Avraham Pam, zt”l, and current Director of the Emergency Aid Fund.  Our annual donors include many esteemed rabbanim, congregation leaders, and individuals from Manhattan, Five Towns, Long Island, Baltimore, Brooklyn, and beyond.  There will be a special distribution in the Meron/Tzfat area, as well.


In 1989, The YTC EAF Purim campaign led by Rabbi Schwartz then Rabbi  of  Congregation Ohav Sholom on the Upper West Side, was launched under the  guidance of Rav Avraham Yaakov HaCohen Pam, zt”l, Rosh Yeshiva and Rav Pam, zt”l¸ Rabbi Schwartz’s rebbe and close mentor.  This effort serves as a merit to his illustrious memory since his passing in 2001.  The campaign is also in memory of longtime campaign honorary chairman, Hagaon Rosh Yeshiva Rav Chaim Yisroel Belsky, zt”l, from whose modest home in Flatbush tens of thousands of dollars were distributed each Purim since 2002 until his untimely passing.  The campaign has continued unabated during Rabbi Schwartz’s years as rabbi at Young Israel of Oceanside and South Nassau Community Hospital.  After making aliyah in 2012, who is now Director of in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel) has traveled to New York to keep this effort going.  


Rabbi Aron Pam added a Bircas Kohanim: “This year, extra koach is needed as this is the 36th year of this work of Rabbi Schwartz, a close talmid of my father, zt”l, and of Rav Belsky, zt”l.  In the merit of this great mitzvah, may the entire Jewish people be delivered from our current perils (especially our hostages and soldiers) in the merit of our tzedakah —physically, politically, or spiritually—that we as a people battle these critical moments in our history.”  


Donate online and click the DONATE button 

Zelle to the account-associated address or to

Checks can be mailed to YTC Emergency Aid Fund | PO Box 249 | Cedarhurst NY 11516

TAX DEDUCTIBLE!  For more information, call/WhatsApp 347-707-5664 or email

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